

If you're being bullied, whether it's online or at school, university or work, it can be really difficult and leave you feeling hurt - but you are not alone. Young Minds have advice on how you can tell someone and get help.

This leaflet summarises what bullying is and how it can manifest in different forms.


If you need urgent help, call 999.

The National Bullying Helpline is a confidential helpline designed to advise about bullying and employment law. You can contact them on 0300 323 0169 (helpline) or 0845 22 55 787 (telephone) from 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday.

If you've experienced or witnessed harm online, you can report it here and get help. If you or the person you are helping is in immediate danger, contact the police by dialling 999.

If you are being "slut-shamed", or bullied for things to do with sex, read this page to get support and advice.

However it happens, and whatever form it takes, bullying is horrible and unfortunately, the internet and mobile phones provide bullies with a variety of opportunities to get their kicks. Find out more here.

If you are being treated badly at work, you can access support and legal information to get help quickly.

Bullying can happen to anyone. And it can have a big effect on how you feel. Whether it’s happened online, offline or both, it's wrong and we've got advice to help.

Bullying or cyberbullying can really affect your confidence and sometimes it can feel like it's your fault, even though this isn't true. Feeling better about yourself can take time, but these tips can help if you're struggling.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying.

Ditch the Label has lots of support available for people who are being bullied.

Childline has lots of information for children and young people who are being bullied or experiencing abuse.

Kidscape provide practical support, training, and advice to challenge bullying and protect young lives.