Jobs and careers


Your right to work in the UK depends on your immigration status - this is also called your ‘leave’. If you don’t have the right to work, you might be able to apply for it. 

You’ll need to prove your right to work in the UK if you want to start working. 


If you live in Leeds, you can get help here to learn something new, update your skills, put together your CV, prepare for interviews, access training and apprenticeships, become self-employed, and much more. Visit the website, email or call 0113 378 4576.

NCS provides careers information, advice and guidance. They can help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career. This service is available to people who live in England. Visit the website or call 0800 100 900 between 8am-8pm Monday-Friday and 10am-5pm Saturdays and bank holidays to speak to an advisor. 

Whether you’re still in education, looking for work, or thinking about a career change, FutureGoals can help you to think about your next steps. Stay informed with helpful resources around different career pathways and up-to-date information on West Yorkshire's job market, or get inspired with highlights from a range of employers and tips on how to develop your skills.


Learn what you can gain by spending time in a workplace to learn about a job role, a company or a career sector.

Look at the different ways to try out a career and see whether it's right for you. 


Find full or part-time jobs in England, Scotland and Wales. Use the ‘Find a job’ service to search and apply for jobs. This service has replaced Universal Jobmatch.

The largest online job search tool.

Similar to Indeed, but with more add-on applications for greater social media compatibility.

Also similar to Indeed, but is available in more countries and in more languages than SimplyHIred.

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.

A fact sheet with lots of useful information for disabled people who are looking for work. 


Access a free CV template and find out what information to include in your CV to make it stand out when you are applying for jobs. 

A cover letter introduces you to an employer and asks them to think about your application. Find out how to structure your cover letter here. 

Follow this guide for advice on how to answer questions in a job application form.

You'll usually need a reference from your old employer when you're looking for a new job. If you are applying for your first job, you can usually use character references - comments from people who know you well - or references from a teacher. 


Make a good impression at a job interview, with advice on how to prepare, and how to show what you have to offer.

No one really likes interviews but there are several things you can do to present yourself in a positive light, and help you to be successful. Find out more here. 

Practice your answers to some of the main interview questions often asked.

Follow this advice on how to prepare and succeed in phone interviews.

Follow this advice on how to so well in live or pre-recorded video interviews.


Everything you need to know when you are offered a job and want to accept. 

Everything you need to know when you are offered a job and don't want to accept.