

Access this information sheet to find out key information about periods.

This easy-read guide will help you understand what periods (menstruation) are. 

This page answers some of the most popular frequently asked questions (FAQs) on periods.

You can use this period calculator to work out your menstrual cycle, including when you might be ovulating (i.e. fertile). 

There are lots of different options for collecting period blood, with different pros and cons. Find out about the various methods of managing your period to see which sounds right for you. 


A really good guide on how to insert and safely use a tampon. This guide was created by the company Tampax but you can use it to help you insert any brand of tampon. 

A really good guide on how to use a sanitary towel/pad. This guide was created by the company Always but you can use it to help you use any brand of pad. 

Use this beginner's guide to help you insert a menstrual cup. Don't worry if you find it tricky at first! Practice makes perfect. 


Learn more about period pain and know when you should be asking for support. 

Everyone’s period is different. If you find them to be a difficult time of the month, here’s some tips you can try to help make it better. 

If problems with your periods are affecting your life, there's help and support available.


Endometriosis is a chronic condition that causes cells like those found in the lining of the womb to grow elsewhere in the body. It can affect anyone who has started their period. Find out more here. 

Endometriosis UK provide vital support services, reliable information, and a community for those affected by endometriosis. You can visit their site to find support groups and more.