Court and legal support


The right to a fair trial is one of the rights protected by the Human Rights Act. If you are taken to trial, you have the right for it to be considered fairly.


If you can't afford legal advice or support in court, you might be able to get free or cheaper help.

Run by the Law Society, Find a Solicitor is a free service for anyone looking for information about organisations or people providing legal services in England and Wales.

If you don't have a lawyer (a solicitor or barrister), you can take your own case or defend yourself in court or at a tribunal.

A lot of court and tribunal hearings happen over the phone or by video call. These are sometimes called ‘remote hearings’. You’ll need to prepare for a remote hearing and treat it with respect like a face to face hearing.

Support Through Court is a charity supporting people who face court alone so that they can represent themselves to the best of their abilities. Their services are free.