Paying Bills and taxes


Council Tax is an annual fee households pay to their local council. The cost is set by the council and goes towards funding local services. Find out more about Council Tax, if you have to pay, how to make sure you’re not paying more than you have to, and what to do if you’re struggling to pay.

You’ll have to pay National Insurance (NI) contributions if you're over 16 years of age and earn or have self-employed profits over a certain amount. This helps build your entitlement to certain benefits, such as the State Pension and Maternity Allowance. Find out more about NI here.

Understanding how Income Tax works can seem confusing, particularly when you’re first starting out in the workplace. Knowing how Income Tax and the Personal Allowance work will allow you to figure out if you’re being paid the right amount and help you budget.

Many people take on a second job to make some extra money, or as a stepping stone to starting their own business. But they might be unaware of their rights around taking a second job, and how they’ll pay tax and National Insurance on it. Find out more here.


Not sure who your energy supplier is? Don't panic, there are a number of ways that you can find out which supplier you're with and whether you're getting a good deal.

If you don’t know what all the numbers on your electricity and gas bills mean, don’t worry, you’re not alone. But it’s worth taking the time to understand your bills, as this is a good way to take control of your energy use and start saving money.

Your supplier needs regular readings from your gas or electricity meter to work out your bills. If you don’t send them readings, they’ll estimate your usage. This means your bill might be too high or low.

Find out how you are charged for water and sewerage and how to sort out problems with bills. There is also advice on how to complain about water companies and seek compensation from water companies.

Find out the key details to be aware of in your next broadband bill, so you can avoid price hikes and unwarranted fees.

Moving house? Find out who supplies your new property and how to get the best gas and electricity deal.