Care experienced


Find information on your rights as someone in care here. 

Find information on your rights as someone who is leaving care here. 

If you are under 18 and are living in care or are going to go into care, this page will help you understand your circumstances and get the support you need. 


Become work with care-experienced young people to create change. You can get support and information by visiting their site, or by calling 0800 023 2033 between 10am-5pm, Monday-Friday

Always Heard is run by Coram Voice and provides advice and advocacy for Looked After Children, Care Leavers and young people on the edge of care from 0-25 years old. You can call 0808 800 5792 to speak to someone. 

Stand Alone support and raise awareness about adults that are estranged from their family or children. They offer support services to prevent estranged adults becoming vulnerable, and talk openly about the experience of family estrangement to help others lead lives that are less isolated.

For care leavers, applying to university can throw up issues and obstacles, but there is plenty of help and support available during and after the application process.

If you are a care leaver and need additional financial support when you go to university, you can find out more here about how and where to apply. 


Your local council must provide you with support until you’re 25. When you leave care there’ll be a meeting to help you work out what you’re going to do next.

The Care Leaver Covenant is a national inclusion programme that supports Care Leavers by crating meaningful opportunities in 5 key areas: independent living; education, employment and training; safety and security; mental and physical health; and finance. Visit their website or call 0800 077 3557 for more information and support. 

Feel safe and supported and know where to go for advice and help in Leeds.

Feel safe and supported and know where to go for advice and help in Bradford.

Feel safe and supported and know where to go for advice and help in Wakefield.

Feel safe and supported and know where to go for advice and help in North Yorkshire.

The Care Leavers Association provides support, advice and guidance to those who have been in care, as well as giving care leavers a voice for change.