Romantic relationships


This document outlines the different types of relationships we have with different people in our lives. 

In this guide to relationships, you can learn about: what we mean by relationships; limits; how you should be treated; romance; trust; and break ups.

This article explains which commonly-held ideas about relationships aren’t actually accurate to real-life romance.


This easy-read guide will help you stay safe if you are going on a date.

Ask for Angela is a campaign to support women’s safety whilst out in Leeds and surrounding areas. Look out for posters in venues such as bars or clubs that have the 'Ask for Angela' information on - this means that if you are feeling unsafe or threatened, you can go up to staff and discreetly tell them you need help. They will then be able to support you, for example by calling you a taxi or providing you with a safe space. Find out more on the site. 

If you are walking home or elsewhere and feel unsafe you can call Strut Safe on 0333 335 0026 for free to speak a friendly volunteer who will stay on the line to you until you get to where you're going. They are open Fridays and Saturdays between 7pm-3am and Sundays between 7pm-1am.     

Don't walk worried - call Nightline on 0113 380 1285 to chat to a student volunteer if you're walking at night. They can listen, talk to you and provide information when you need it. They're open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 8am-8pm.  


Learn more about how to be in a respectful and healthy relationship.

Find out what it takes to build a respectful relationship.

Good relationships have a strong level of communication. Learn more about this, including why it is so important and how to build better communication.

For most people trust is a key element of a close relationship. Learn more about truth here, as well as how jealousy can impact a relationship.

Seven million of us in the UK, are registered with an online dating service, right now. It could be a really exciting opportunity to meet someone who you connect with - but you still need to look after yourself and take steps to ensure your safety. 

‘Sexting’ refers to exchanging sexual messages, while ‘sending nudes’ means sending sexual images of yourself to someone else. Learn about the risks of sexting and sending nudes, and how to stay safe.

A handout that brings together all the key information about consent and who you can turn to for help with this.

Watch this video to learn more about what consent is. 

Why do arguments happen, and how can you avoid them in your relationship? 

It can be really hard to start flirting with someone or "chat them up" without coming across as weird. The trick is to notice whether they actually want to talk to you (and whether they want to keep talking to you). This is part of consent. Find out more here. 


Understand the differences between living together and being in a civil partnership. 

A civil partnership is a legal relationship which can be registered by two people who aren't related to each other. Registering a civil partnership will give your relationship legal recognition. This will give you added legal rights, as well as responsibilities. Find out more here.

Understand the differences between living together and being legally married

You can find out more about the laws relating to getting married here, as well as what you need to do if you want to get married to someone in the UK. 


If you need urgent help, call 999.

Sometimes it is hard to know if your relationship is good and healthy. The graph activity on this page could be useful to help you work out if your relationship is going well or not. 

If you are having issues in your relationship, Relate has a range of answers for you covering lots of different topics, from arguing and conflict to happiness and satisfaction. 


If you are thinking about ending your relationship or have decided you don’t want to be with someone anymore, you need to work out what to do to next. It can be really hard but this guide will help you to choose the right thing to do. 

This easy-read guide will help you to understand break ups and know how to end a relationship in a safe and respectful way.

This easy-read guide will help you if you have had a break up.

It is really hard to cope with your emotions when your relationship has ended. This article will help you understand how you are feeling and what you can do to cope.

If you and your partner decide to split up, there are lots of things you can do, including separation and divorce. 

How to file for divorce if you’re in England or Wales.

You can choose how to make arrangements for looking after your children if you separate from your partner. Find out more here.