Learning disabilities


Mencap value and support people with a learning disability, and their families and carers.

MacIntyre provide learning, support and care for more than 1,200 children, young people and adults who have a learning disability and/or autism at locations across England and Wales.

An established charity with an excellent track record in supporting young people and adults with a range of mental health needs and disabilities – which include learning disabilities, autism, acquired brain injury, sensory impairments and dementia.

The CBF are the only charity focused specifically on children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges. They provide information and support, as well as running workshops and providing a voice for families on a national level. 

Services and support for people with learning disabilities or autism who've experienced abuse or trauma.

Shape Arts is a disability-led arts organisation which works to improve access to culture for disabled people by providing opportunities for disabled artists, training cultural institutions to be more open to disabled people, and through running participatory arts and development programmes.


The Orange Travel Wallet is an easy way to let a bus drivers in West Yorkshire know that you have a disability, or have any other accessibility needs. It shows that you might need some help or a bit more time to get on and off the bus. The Orange Travel Wallet has plastic pockets inside it. You can keep your travel pass in it. You can also put in a message to let the driver know what help you need. Click here for an easy-read guide to the passes or visit the website linked above.

Through the Maze is an information and signposting service in Leeds for adults with learning disabilities, family carers and professionals.

People Matters creates opportunities for people with learning disabilities and other hidden disabilities in Leeds who experience disadvantage to be more independent and enjoy life in the same ways as anybody else. You can visit their website or call them on 0113 234 6896

The forum is open to any young person aged 11-25 with special educational needs and disabilities who lives in, or goes to school/college in Leeds. By joining the forum, you will be able to make new friends, learn new skills, and share your thoughts and ideas. 

The largest ethnic minority organisation in the voluntary and community sector in Leeds, Hamara is situated in Beeston, and delivers several different strands of work, including health promotion, youth activities, older people’s services, Saturday supplementary school, learning disabilities, education, and employment and training programmes. Hamara is also dementia friendly


Everybody with a learning disability and/or autism has the legal right to vote in local and general elections and should be supported to be able to do so. Some people may struggle with the registration process while others may find challenges when going to a polling station or submitting their postal vote. Find out how to support someone to vote here.

Have you been a victim of a hate crime because of your learning disability or autism? Here’s an easy read guide to what you need to do.