South Apartments


The South Apartments are a set of three buildings, housing approximately 140 upper-class students in four-bedroom, co-ed apartment units. 

South Apartments Facts

South Apartments Bedroom Facts

South Apartment Building 78 physical address:  5600 George Fox RoadSouth Apartment Building 79 physical address:  5604 George Fox RoadSouth Apartment Building 80 physical address:  5606 George Fox Road


including floor plans and images are available in this folder.

HOW to apply for South Apartments....

Continuing students can best position themselves for placement in South Apartments by completing the Online Housing Registration & completely matching with two other students.  Once the self-selection process takes place for those completely matched with 3 other students, any remaining spaces will be filled at the discretion of Residential Education & Housing.

Transfer students can best position themselves for placement in East Apartments by indicating this hall as a living preference on the Online Housing Registration.

Submitting your Online Housing Registration does NOT guarantee placement.

TRANSFER, VISITING, and READMITTED STUDENTS: You may be eligible to be housed here, placement will depend on vacancies since continuing students will be housed first.  If you are interested in the South Apartments, submit your Online Housing Registration by June 30th and indicate South Apartments as a hall preference.  Your housing assignment will be determined based on your indicated preferences, you will NOT follow the process outlined above.