The Web of Life

Lesson plan based on a workshop by Greta Kardi, artist and Darius Ryliškis scientist

Learning outcomes

This project aims at students developing a sense of responsibility towards the environment and that they demonstrate their commitment to preserving biodiversity and the web of life through their land art and actions in their community. By the end if the project, participants will be able to:

Lesson plan

We can imagine that the world is like a giant puzzle, and that every living thing, like birds, leaves, and worms, is a piece of that puzzle. Now, let's talk about how they all fit together:
Leaves are like the solar panels of the plant world. They use sunlight to make food for the plant through a process called photosynthesis. This food-making is very important because it provides energy, not only to the plant, but also to many other creatures, including insects and animals. Leaves also release oxygen into the air, which we need to breathe. So, leaves are like the chefs in our puzzle, making food and oxygen for everyone.
Worms are tiny but powerful creatures that live underground. They like to eat dead leaves and other plant materials. As they munch on these things, they break them down into tiny pieces, kind of like making compost. This helps to make the soil healthier and better for plants to grow. So, worms are like the gardeners of our puzzle, taking care of the soil.
Birds are amazing creatures that fly around and sing beautiful songs. They need to eat to stay strong and healthy. What do they eat? Some birds like to eat seeds and fruits, while others like to catch insects and worms. So, birds play a special role in our puzzle by helping to control the number of insects and worms in the environment.  Now, here's where the "web of life" comes in: Birds eat worms, and sometimes they eat insects that eat leaves. Leaves provide food for insects and animals, including some that birds like to eat. Worms help make the soil better for plants, including the ones that provide leaves. If one part of the puzzle is missing or gets out of balance, it can affect everything else. That's why it's important to take care of our environment and make sure that all the pieces of the puzzle fit together just right, so that the web of life can keep on spinning!