Welcome to 4B

The Day You Begin

We spent some time in the first few days of school engaging in activities that helped to promote acceptance and celebrate individuality within our classroom. After listening to the story “The Day You Begin,” we discussed the importance of celebrating differences and accepting one another. The students were then asked to write a paragraph discussing their favourite thing about themselves. We also read a poem called “Sharing Our Similarities and Celebrating Our Differences.” As a final activity the students loved making locker charms with 5 coloured beads, each representing a different interest or character trait that they are proud of. The charms hang on the lockers as a reminder that everyone is different and unique, but together we make our school a better place. 

I am...

Our first Art activity of the year was an “ I am…” project to celebrate how we are all unique. We started by watching “ I am Me” by Peter Reynolds and then together we started brainstorming adjectives to describe ourselves. The students began their projects by choosing words that best fit their own personalities and worked on creating a rough draft of their Art. From there, they completed their final projects using sharpie markers and watercolour paints. 

Dot Day

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds

This week we celebrated International Dot Day. This is a day to embrace individuality and acknowledge that we can all make our mark in the world. We discussed the importance of expressing our own creativity and having the courage to be different. The story also recognizes the value of relationships and reminds us that everyone is special in their own way. 

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