Earth Concrete Poems     

This week, the students worked on an Earth Day concrete poetry project. A concrete poem uses words or symbols to form an image that reflects the topic of the poem. For this project, students were asked to write a descriptive free verse poem about the Earth. Students went through a process of creating a rough draft, then completing a final copy of writing their poem within or around a picture of the Earth. 

Please click on the arrows to scroll through the pictures.

3D Sculpture Shadow Project 

This week, we completed a 3D Sculpture Shadow project. The students used a piece of tin foil to create a foil sculpture of themselves. They began by measuring and cutting their foil piece to section off their legs, arms and head. Then they scrunched their torso and formed the limbs in proportionate lengths. The students then bent their sculpture into a pose that represented them. Some students used additional foil to add details to their pose. The final step was to use a light source to cast a shadow of their sculpture onto a blank piece of cardboard. An outline was drawn and filled in with a sharpie marker. The students loved this project and they all turned out great!  

Please click on the arrows to scroll through the pictures.

Roll, Slide, & Cover    

The students started a new unit in Math and have been working on naming fractions for parts of a whole. For extra practice, they learned a new game called “Roll, Slide, & Cover”. With a partner, they took turns rolling two dice. The students then slid their dice together to make a fraction and covered the matching picture on their game board. The winner of the game was the player with the most coloured chips on the board. The students really enjoyed practicing fractions with their classmates! 

Please click on the arrows to scroll through the pictures.

Social Thinking and Me

On Wednesday, Ms. Aleisha visited our classroom to work through the next “Social Thinking and Me” lesson with the students. The lesson focused on keeping our body, eyes, ears, and brain in the group, as well as, thinking of others, Mr. Aleshia ended the class by playing a game called “Group Juggling.” The students enjoyed practicing how to use their whole body listening to participate successfully in the game. 



April 15 – Spell-a-thon Pledge Money Due

April 19 – PD Day – No School

April 24 & 25 – Moving-up & Moving-on Photos

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