Football is a fitness sport


Football is a very complicated game that you need to be smart, skilled and fast. Football was shared in 1892 with the world on the 6th of November. In football people need things like mouthguards and headgear just to be safe. That's exactly why people play football.

Instructions are pretty straight forward and they keep people from getting hurt. If you pass the ball forward it is a ford pass and the opposition gets the ball. If you drop the ball forward it is a knock on and the opposition gets the ball. If you score a try you get 4 points and if you score a goal you get 2 points. If the opposition scores a try or a goal it is the same for them 4 points for a try and for a goal 2 points for them.

Penalties are also pretty straight forward. You can not take above the shoulders or you will get penalised. If you go out the sideline then the opposition gets the ball.

Just some notes, have fun and never give up!