Letter 5

Dear NSW Minister of Transport and Roads,

I’m writing to you on behalf of 5/4 STEM at Swansea Public School about our concerns about Swansea Bridge.There are rumours that in 20 years they will be making a new bridge for Swansea.so if you think about that would make the bridge 130 years old that is very old.That is to old if you ask me WE NEED TO MAKE THE NEW BRIDGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.I know that you would agree with me if I tell you more,

Swansea bridge is extremely old and one of the oldest in Lake Macquarie Swansea bridge was made on the 27th of March 1909. So that makes the bridge 110 years old now that you think about it, that means that the bridge has been in the water for that long.The bridge being in the water for that long would be causing rust, the materials would be very old. I know that every year there is repairs to the bridge. The Swansea bridge would be ageing,i think it is time To get a new bridge,I KNOW IT IS TIME TO GET A NEW BRIDGE it would help our community to grow in a better place.

The new Swansea bridge will cost the community time and money. I think that it should not have a toll because think about if i lived over the bridge and went to Swansea Public School or even if i worked over there that would cost a lot just to come over the bridge EVERY DAY. If a toll cost $3 Dollars for a week to come over the bridge and back it would cost $42 dollars A WEEK. When we told an old lady the old girl nearly had a HEART ATTACK she said “$42 dollars no way they are making me pay that much,every day I go over that bridge to get a coffee and get the paper.”
