Grant 10

Dear Woolworth

We are writing to you because we think that the $1000 dollars will come in handy at Swansea Public School considering the schools lack of native animal shelters. Do you know that some of the ideas we have to do with the $1000 could save our school a lot of money!

So this is what we would spend the money on if we got the $1000 dollars a chicken coup, bird feeders, bird houses, worm farms and some frog pounds. The chicken coup will be made out of timber and wire, it will be a 4x6 square. 2x4 of it will be a timber shed , for when it rains they can come inside and there will be shelves for the extra laying pellets. The rest of it will be barricade with wire and a door.this will only cost.

The frog pounds would be located near our gate , it would be like a shell pool in the ground. It would be two children's job to run new water through the pound each week.

With the worm farm will give us juice(not edible juice), with the juice we will use it to grow our garden. With the food we grow with the juice we feed the worms the juice. The worm farm will cost 70$ the worms will coast something dollars. So a little can go along way at Swansea Public School.

Yours sincerely