

Pelicans are found in wetlands,beaches and flying in the sky. Also pelicans love the water and flying in the sky! They also float and fly but sometimes goes under the water to catch fish to eat. Pelicans have long beaks to eat fish, white and black feathers, small head and long neck but small eyes!

Emus have a long body, long legs, small head and a short neck. And Emus can run really fast too. And Aboriginal people like me can eat Emu and other animals and birds too!

Seagulls like to eat fish and chips they don’t like it they love it a lot . Seagulls behaviour around food is disgusting because they can’t control themselves and they go very very wild.

99% of bin chickens live in Australia and also you can call them cassowary because that's another name for them.

Penguins are found in snow, ice and cold areas. Penguins are a bit different than other birds because they can't fly and other stuff but penguins are still birds.

Did you know there are more than 1000 different species of birds.Birds feathers can be different coloured to their body and all birds are different coloured like rainbow, black, grey, yellow and white and other colours! David Attenborough says ‘’ Until now, I had always shied off birds, because I feel there are so many people who know so much more about them than I do. But I was persuaded that was there are so many people who know so much more about them than I do. But I was persuaded that that was an advantage for me to look at them from the general naturalist's point of view.”