Letter 6

I am writing to you on behalf of Swansea Public School and the residents of Swansea about Swansea bridge, Swansea bridge is an important gateway spanning the entrance to Swansea and Blacksmiths. The bridge provides a route along the pacific highway between the central coast and Newcastle. The Swansea bridge is used by over 30,000 civilians daily but there are a few issues that I’d like to address.

One of these terrible issues are crashes over the bridge, I think this is happening because there are not enough railing support on the sides of the bridge. As you already may know three years ago there was a massive crash. One driver was lucky not to end up in the channel, after her car took out one of the guard rails on the side of Swansea bridge. This is very serious and I think we shall put up more support on the two sides of the bridge so we can stop this from ever happening again.

Do you hate traffic? Well I know I do. That’s why we have four lanes instead of two. There would be little traffic on the bridge which means there’d be more space for Ambulances, Police and Firetrucks to get to the emergency point where they need to go, I hope you agree with my ideas.

Yours sincerely,

A Swansea resident