Grant 8

Woolworth's Grant

Dear Woolworth's ,

At Swansea Public School we have a dreadful amount of food waste.

Did you know that over ⅓ of all our food produce GLOBALLY goes to waste?That's terrible for our beautiful Earth!

Our school bins are always overflowing with food scraps, like sandwiches, fruit, muesli bars and chips.This is not healthy for our environment or humans. Our school has one compost bin we will buy some more bins.Our teachers are always commenting about food wastage. One says, "look at the bins. It is full of half-eaten sandwiches today! " Another says, "someone has not eaten their crusts."

We want to save money and food.We want to save our planet.We will buy buckets for each classroom for compost and 11 compost bins for each classroom. With the grant money from Woolworth's we are going to spend it well on our needs we won’t go overboard.

We will have a competition every fortnight on Friday and who the most compost wins a prize that prize would go to the whole class so now one will get left out.

$1000 will go along way to make our school a better place for our whole and wonderful planet-it would also save our beautiful channel because we live so close to the ocean and channel.

Yours sincerely
