Letter 7

Dear Mr Pat Conroy MP

Do you want a nuclear powered station? Well let me inform you as residents of Lake Macquarie we don’t want it! Our class did a survey which clearly showed that 99.9% don’t want a nuclear station.One local resident indicated “why don’t you just supply us with us with solar power or windmills it could save our futures!” Obviously not everyone (as you just saw) fancies to have a nuclear powered station in there backyard.

We imagine we can agree you don’t want pollution in Lake Macquarie. Why don’t we just stick to natural resources like the sun, wind or even water. Another resident from Lake Macquarie; mentioned “because of global warming we’ve got more than enough glorious sun so use solar power!” Famous scientist, Stephen Hawking announced “if you put the nuclear powered station it’s got a 60 out 100 of falling over and leaking, spilling or falling. Are you going to put people at risk?” (Are you?)

We shouldn’t have a nuclear powered station in NSW. The nuclear station could poison the magnificent lake because it has to be so close to water this could endanger our beautiful wildlife. Would you want that? Obviously, not so please try to prevent the Federal government from in storing a nuclear powered station.