Old Alton Bridge

Old Alton Bridge

Old Alton Bridge is a historic truss bridge in Texas,USA. It was built in 1884 and still standing to 2019. It's in a ghost town. Not many people go to it.

Old Alton Bridge is a historic bridge . The Old Bridge keeps its shape over time. The truss bridge is made out of copper wood and iron that is over the river. The bridge would have carried horses over it. Now days it leads to a bush track.

Old Alton Bridge went over the river called the Hickory Creek 1882. The bridge was closed in 2001.There is a goatman living there so people call it goat man's bridge. That is 108 feet long,14 feet is the width.

There are a lot of myths about the Old Alton Bridge. There is goatman, goatman is a demon. There are a lot of things about of goatman, some say the the Beltsville Research Center is where goatman is said to of been made, Fletcherson Road is where the goatman apparently roams.