Letter 8

Dear NSW Minister of Transport and Roads,

I am writing to you as a proud student at Swansea Public School. I am writing to you about the Swansea Bridge because we need to improve issues. For example the footpath is wee too little. When I was riding across some older bike riders had to squeeze between me and my brother, We were terrified.

Did you know the first time Swansea Bridge was built it was in 1881. Second time it was built was in 1909. The third time it was built was in 1955 Finally last but not least was in 1989. The first bridge was mainly made out of timber.

There are some issues we need to improve. For example footpaths, roads, paint and boats. There are rumours that there is going to be a toll, this is a problem because students like me live in Blacksmiths so that means that every day our parents we have to pay. This could be a tremendous problem for kids that just want to go to school.

This is why I am writing to you. For the sake of our community. Thank you for reading my letter.

Yours sincerely,