Informative Report 1

The Golden Gate Bridge is a very interesting bridge found in San Francisco, California, USA. It spans one mile and goes over the Pacific Ocean. From start to finish the Golden Gate Bridge spans at least 1.6 km. It takes around two hours to walk across while looking at all the fantastic views.

The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge is safe (unless you want to commit suicide). It uses very long cables and the bridge spans 1.6 km. I once rode over the Bridge and it seemed very safe to me.

The Golden Gate Bridge is a historical site. The construction started on the 5th of January 1933. The construction ended on May 27 1937. With all of it’s huge towers it took quite a while to paint it with a colour called International Orange. The Golden Gate Bridge was designed by Strauss Engineering Corp.

So many different types of traffic go over the Golden Gate Bridge. The obvious way of transport is a car, if you thought that you are correct. As of 2014 2, 025, 883, 491 vehicles have crossed the bridge. This includes cars, motorbikes, normal bikes and legs for walking.

Did you know that the Golden Gate Bridge has the biggest cables made, so big that it could encircle the world three times! In case you haven’t guessed; this paragraph is all facts. Every two weeks on average, someone jumps from the bridge as it is the number one spot for suicide. A San Francisco officer (named Kevin Briggs) has stopped approximately 200 cases of suicide. During the 70's, a suicide jumper left a note that read “I’m going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me I will not jump,”. Sorry to leave on such a sad note, but I hope I have informed you about the Golden Gate Bridge.