Grant 5

Dear Woolworths,

Here at Swansea Public School, we have minimal shelters for native animals. If you provide us $1000 to pay for things including trees, everyone at Swansea Public School would definitely be ecstatic!

Do you know that possums are arboreal animals, so they spend the majority of their lives in trees with dense foliage, near a water source like a lake or chanel? Did you know that our school is near a big body of water, that means that if we had the money to buy trees we would have homes for plenty of animals e.g. possums, kookaburras. We would have Lilly Pilly trees in because I know for a fact that birds like to eat Lilly Pillies because I’ve seen them do it at home. My father stated “ Birds eat Lilly Pillies,” he has stood outside on the deck watching them.

If you provide $1000 to us, we can make an area for animals that live underground, like ants. We could also use that money to make a habitat for frogs. We could even have a chicken habitat! With $1000 we would plant plenty of trees, they would be for tree dwellers, but there’s a bonus! We would also be helping to save our planet! 15.3 billion trees get cut down each year - in the last 12, 000 years 46% of our trees have been cut down. We would be helping to decrease how many trees get cut down yearly!

$1000 can go such a long way in making native animal shelters. If we have bird nests in the trees we plant in our school, goannas will not be able to get in and eat the eggs. Imagine how tremendous it would be to have students at Swansea Public School to be able to watch animals and learn about them while they enjoy being in their newly planted trees! The possums would be able to live in trees instead of behind a school emblem in our school.

Going back over what we will do with $1000, we would plant trees for all of the possums, birds and even more! We would also include a pond with long grass surrounding it in for all of the frogs. We would have Lilly Pilly trees for the birds. Last but certainly not least, we would have a beautiful area with just grass, flowers and things like that, for burrowing animals e.g. ants.

Yours sincerely,
