Birds are cool

Most birds live in wetlands or rainforests.Birds need trees to live in,without trees where will they live? Some birds can’t fly like penguins but penguins can dive right into the water and other birds can’t like cockatoos.

Birds are part of nature, a lot of people love birds not many people like magpies.Let me tell you about crows they swoop you when your riding to school. magpies usually come in winter to lay there eggs in a pine tree.

Male magpies are the ones that swoop people.To protect their eggs the females go out hunting for food.When there not hunting for food the female is protecting their eggs.

Ok that’s enough talking about magpies let's move on to pelicans. Pelicans usually hang around boat ramps because when the fishermen get back from fishing, they wash their fish and take the scales and skin off and the pelicans get the head.

Or they duck down into the water and catch fish themselves pelicans love fish. It’s really weird that pelicans can fly because there so heavy.