Letter 4

Dear Mr Pat Conroy MP,

We must stop the plan of Nuclear power stations. Many locals are outraged about the nuclear power stations. The problem of the stations is like you said the nuclear power stations will leak and the area of shortland will be contaminated.I wonder if the future, they will not make the stations and use solar not nuclear.

You Pat Conroy has disagreed with the plans for nuclear power stations. Us the residents has many more ideas besides the nuclear power stations. If the stations get put in All the people in the coal mines will not have a job and not be able to feed their family could. We could use solar panels and not use Nuclear wastage because it damages the environment. Did you know that you can power is one of the most dangerous liquids on Earth. I wonder if you pat Corey would make changes to the plans of nuclear power Stations in Shortland.

Yours sincerely

A resident from Shortland.