Support for Learning

Support for Learning Staff

Nurture and Inclusion Staff

Learning Support Auxiliaries 

Learning Support Provision 

Our support for young people builds on existing processes for meeting learner’s additional support needs, but also takes account of the National Practice Model within the legislation of the Children and Young People (Scotland) 2014 Act. It is child centered, holistic and integrated in its approach to ensure that children and young people with additional support needs or wellbeing concerns, and their families, receive the earliest, most effective and targeted support necessary.

The support structure we have in place is a dynamic framework where assessment is directly linked to intervention. Key to its success is parents/carers, children and young people and agencies working together (observing and recording, gathering information), carrying out interventions and evaluating progress (planning, action and review). This ensures all of our evidence building is triangulated and the support plans we put in place are individualised and targeted to the needs of all pupils. 

The additional support needs of almost all children and young people who require universal, additional and targeted support are met through the range of provisions available within Musselburgh Grammar School.

All support staff assist class teachers to identify and address additional support needs through a range of support and intervention strategies from within the five nationally recognised roles:

o co-operative teaching

o consultancy

o staff development /training

o tutoring and teaching pupils

o providing specialist services

Musselburgh Grammar school aims to provide an environment for all local children that allows them to achieve their full potential. Some of the supports we offer throughout the different year groups include:

o Lego Therapy

o Nurture 

o Literacy 

o Numeracy 

o Music/Art Therapy

o Visually/Hearing Impaired 1:1 support

o English as an Additional Language support

o Behaviour Support

o Raising teens with confidence

o Resilience Groups

o Exam catch up sessions

o There are also supports in place for P7s transition into S1 such as…

o 8 week enhanced transition visits

o 4 week Lego Therapy visits

o Regular 1:1 visits from P6 onwards.

o SfL link teacher support so information is shared with class teachers. 

As a school we have a huge range of specialist interventions available to meet the learning and development needs of all our pupils. Our current support staff have a wealth of experience in many different areas and are always happy to implement supportive ideas/strategies to help in anyway.