Attainment & Stretch Aims
Attainment Trends
MGS Trends
Attainment since 2017 has generally reflected a plateau in the Senior Phase:
•S4 attainment for level 5 peaked in 2017.
•S5 attainment for level 6 peaked in 2018.
•Attainment in S6 since 2017 is on a positive trend.
Where are we now (2022)? (Not considering ACM data)
•S4 attainment for level 5 is the second highest based on the 2017 benchmark.
•S5 attainment for 1 @ 6 is the lowest in 5 years.
•S5 attainment for 3 @ 6 is the second lowest in 5 years.
•S5 attainment for 5 @ 6 is the second highest in 5 years.
•S6 attainment for level 6 is on a positive trend.
•S6 attainment for 1 @ 7 is the second highest in 5 years.
Raising Attainment & Achievement – where are we going?
We aim to turn a plateau into a positive.
Improve the use of ACEL data from P7 until S3, across all areas of the school to inform decision making.
Be more aspirational with all of our learners.
Be more strategic with our use of internal tracking and monitoring data, and use of interventions.
Be better at communicating learner progress to our parents and partners.
Intended impact:
To focus all stakeholders on success and aspiration for young people in our school. To be accountable to our learners, and their parents, for the decisions we make about their qualifications, impacting on their life chances. To push learners to be more successful earlier in their school experience. To surpass our Virtual Comparator. To surpass our local and national comparators.
Attainment Targets 2023
S4: By August 2023, increase 1 @ 5 to 80% of the cohort, a 2.9% increase on the benchmark year of 2017. (184 pupils achieving 1 @ 5 / A-D indicator).
By August 2023, increase 3 @ 5 to 65% of the cohort, a 5.9% increase on the benchmark year of 2017. (150 pupils achieving 3 @ 5 / A-D indicator).
By August 2023, increase 5 @ 5 to 50% of the cohort, a 3.8% increase on the benchmark year of 2017. (115 pupils achieving 5 @ 5 / A-D indicator).
S5: By August 2023, increase 1 @ 6 to 65% of the cohort, a 5.5% increase on the benchmark year of 2018. (132 pupils achieving 1 @ 6 / A-D indicator).
By August 2023, increase 3 @ 6 to 50% of the cohort, a 10% increase on the benchmark year of 2018. (102 pupils achieving 3 @ 6 / A-D indicator).
By August 2023, increase 5 @ 6 to 22% of the cohort, a 3.9% increase on the benchmark year of 2018. (45 pupils achieving 5 @ 6 / A-D indicator).
S6: By August 2023, increase 1 @ 7 to 35% of the cohort, a 7.9% increase on the benchmark year of 2019. (31 pupils achieving 1 @ 7 / A-D indicator).
By August 2023, increase 3 @ 7 to 10% of the cohort, a 5.2% increase on the benchmark year of 2019. (9 pupils achieving 3 @ 6 / A-D indicator).