Musselburgh Grammar School

Curriculum Rationale


Vision, Values & Aims 

Our school motto is "striving for excellence, caring for all".  Through our MGS curriculum we endeavour to provide equitable, accessible and engaging learner pathways that meet the needs of all learners, ensuring that ambition and aspiration are at the heart of everything that we do. 

This session as a result of extensive consultation with our young people, staff and parents we have developed our overarching aim going forward: For the MGS curriculum to represent our school community and present meaningful opportunities for all of our young people. It will both meet and respond to the needs of our learners.  It will provide a platform for knowledge and skills progression at all ages and stages. 

Our School values are Honesty, Determination and Respect.  Our MGS curriculum aims to develop honest, determined and respectful young people who can contribute fully to their community and wider society in an ever changing global environment. 

Main Drivers of Our Curriculum

Musselburgh Grammar School's current curriculum structure has been developed as a result of collaboration and consultation since 2017.  The school established a Curriculum School Improvement Group which has worked in consultation with the school's learners, wider staff, parent council, partners and the wider parent body to arrive at a model which suited the needs of the young people the school serves.  Staffing has changed over time but every year the group continues its work, adding new members, and remains a key driver in curricular change.  In session 2022/23 the group comprised a team of 14 teachers across a range of promotion levels, faculties, experience and age and was thus highly representative of the school's staff community.   

It was recognised in 2021 when schools returned to in-person teaching following Covid that the learning landscape had changed, that there was a need for further review and refresh of our curriculum and that new consultation with all stakeholders was required.   This has been our driver in session 2022/23. Extensive consultation has occurred, including several staff professional dialogue sessions,  focus groups, and vision and values sessions.  The group has met with parents during curriculum evenings and curriculum conversations workshops and has consulted widely with all of our young people through surveys and focus groups. This has allowed all stakeholders to more fully examine current provision and curriculum offer, to determine what is working well and what we need to move forward.

The findings from this consultation have given the Curriculum SIG a wealth of information and have allowed MGS to identify the following curriculum improvement priorities for next session and beyond :

Through our relentless commitment to improvement we strive to ensure that every learner who enters Musselburgh Grammar school can achieve success within our school. As such our main drivers are: 

Curriculum Design 

With the above priorities as our focal point, we have designed and developed the MGS curriculum to include: