The Promise

At Musselburgh Grammar School, we are committed to creating an inclusive and nurturing learning environment that prioritises the wellbeing and success of all our students. We recognise the unique needs and experiences of care-experienced pupils and embrace the principles outlined in "The Promise" to ensure their holistic development and academic achievement.

1. Voice of the Child:

We believe in empowering care-experienced pupils to have a voice in shaping their educational journey. We will establish a Care-Experienced Pupil Council that provides a platform for these students to express their perspectives, concerns, and aspirations. Regular meetings with school leadership and designated staff members will ensure that their voices are heard and their input is valued in decision-making processes.

2. Stable and Nurturing Relationships:

We are committed to fostering stable and nurturing relationships within our school community. Each care-experienced pupil will be assigned a dedicated Pupil Support Leader who is aware of their story and journey thus far. Their role as a trusted adult is to provide consistent guidance, support, and encouragement. These staff will engage in regular one-on-one meetings to build strong relationships, address any concerns, and provide an additional layer of emotional support throughout their time at Musselburgh Grammar School.

3. Early Intervention and Prevention:

Recognising the importance of early intervention and prevention, we will implement a robust system of support for care-experienced pupils. This includes close collaboration with external agencies, social workers, and relevant professionals to identify potential challenges and provide timely intervention. We will work closely with our care-experienced pupils and their families to ensure that they have access to the necessary resources and services that promote their well-being, academic progress, and social integration.

4. Belonging and Identity:

We value the sense of belonging and identity of each care-experienced pupil. Our curriculum will incorporate diverse perspectives and narratives to create an inclusive learning environment. We will actively celebrate the cultural, linguistic, and individual identities of our care-experienced pupils through inclusive pedagogy, relevant literature, and opportunities for self-expression. Furthermore, we will ensure that care-experienced pupils have access to resources that promote positive connections with their heritage, culture, and community.

5. Wellbeing:

We prioritise the wellbeing of our care-experienced pupils by providing comprehensive support systems within the school. Our dedicated support staff, including Pupil Support Leaders will offer confidential and individualised assistance to address any emotional or mental health needs. We will embed wellbeing education across the curriculum, empowering care-experienced pupils with the necessary skills and strategies to manage stress, build resilience, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Through these initiatives, Musselburgh Grammar School aims to create an educational experience that supports the care-experienced pupils in our community. We are committed to ensuring their success by embracing "The Promise" and providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment that values their voices, fosters meaningful relationships, and nurtures their overall wellbeing. By implementing these strategies, we seek to empower our care-experienced pupils to flourish academically, emotionally, and socially, and to realise their full potential.