Community & Background

Musselburgh Grammar School is a non-denominational, comprehensive secondary school serving the town of Musselburgh as well as the village of Whitecraig in East Lothian.  Dating back to the sixteenth century, the school has long established roots within these communities.  The town's motto "Honestas" originated in 1332, when the Regent of Scotland, Randolph Earl of Moray, died in the burgh after a long illness during which he was devotedly cared for by the townsfolk. His successor offered to reward the people for their loyalty but they declined, saying they were only doing their duty. The new regent, the Earl of Mar, was impressed and said they were a set of honest men, hence "Honest Toun".  This value of honesty permeates our school and is an intrinsic part of the character we aim to develop in our young people - that they are kind, compassionate, purposeful and work together to be successful.  

In 2023-24 our school will undergo significant change in roll and structure as a result of the new Rosehill High School opening nearby in Wallyford in August 2023.  We expect to have a new roll of 1009 next session. Our feeder primary schools will reduce by two as a result of catchment restructure.  From August 2023 we will welcome learners into S1 from Stoneyhill Primary School, Burgh Primary School, Campie Primary School, Loretto Primary School and Whitecraig Primary School.  

The school is placed over a four storey building. Accommodation comprises of up-to-date ICT suites, limited Physical Education facilities and Science laboratories. All classrooms have access to Promethean whiteboards. A number of departments have access to Google Chrome Books to develop digital literacy across the school.  All faculties have moved their courses to an online platform, which pupils were able to access through Google Drive during the COVID19 pandemic and in subsequent recovery years.

The Senior Management Team consists of the Head teacher, Jodie Hannan, three Depute Head teachers and a Business Manager; each with a strategic remit linked to How Good is Our School 4. Our Extended Leadership Team also consists of eight faculty Curriculum Leaders, one Curriculum Leader for Support for Learning, one Curriculum Leader of Inclusion and Nurture, and four Pupil Support Leaders.  

The Parent Council and Pupil Voice are both very active and supportive of the school; each council taking active roles in our whole school improvement agenda.