
Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) 

As a school, we are committed to better preparing young people for the world of work. All pupils within the school have access to our Careers Advisor (Carla Bichan), who meet on a one to one basis with our young people throughout the year to discuss next steps in their career pathway. Carla delivers a series of lessons during PHSE for each year group. Our careers advisor also attends parents’ evenings and appointments can be booked to meet with her.

Employability & Partnership Officer

Through the Pupil Equity Fund, the school has employed Anne Hoffman, an Employability and Partnership Officer who works in partnership with the school, outside agencies and businesses to implement and deliver a range of projects.  To include, exploring and developing skills/training/further education opportunities to improve employability skills and promote destinations for pupils of Musselburgh Grammar School.  

Currently we have made over 70 links with local employers, volunteering organisations and further and higher education establishments. All of these partners contribute to our very successful pathways evening which is held annually in Term 1. The information delivered at this event contributes to our PHSE programme. 

MGS Employability keeps us informed of local opportunities for development and employment:

Skills Development Scotland

You can visit Skills Development Scotland: SDS supports individuals to build their career management, work-based and employability skills, throughout their career journey, from school, into further learning opportunities and employment.