Positive Destinations

Musselburgh Grammar School: Positive destination trends 

In 2020/21 96.4% was the Positive Destination record for Musselburgh Grammar school. The table shows the breakdown of positive destinations over 5 years. Overall, the number of students attending Higher Education has increased, however the year on year trend is erratic, with 2019/20 showing a significant drop in what was a consistent upward trend.   This is likely attributed to the Covid pandemic and the uncertainty it placed on our young people regarding pursuit of higher education.   

As a school and in line with HGIOS section 2.2, we use the  datahub information to inform the development of the curriculum pathways that we require to support pupils to achieve their aspirational ‘preferred destinations’. The information is also utilised to identify leaver cohorts (S4 Summer and S5 Winter leavers for example). These transitions are supported through partnership with East Lothian Works, SDS, FE and HE. 

Musselburgh Grammar School: Top 10 Preferred Occupations as of September 2022

The graph relates to S4, S5 and S6 pupils in Musselburgh Grammar School and highlights their ‘Preferred Routes’ and ‘Preferred Occupations’. 547 pupils across the Senior Phase are recorded on the datahub, with a diverse variety of occupational routes identified.  This underpins our school's curriculum vision to develop honest, determined and respectful young people who can contribute fully to their community and wider society in an ever changing global environment, regardless of their positive destination.   It also highlights the need for our school to offer a wide range of subjects/ experiences/qualifications so that all learners are able to successfully access their preferred occupations. 

In terms of higher education transitions the table below shows our 2021 trend, with MGS leavers accessing a variety of universities and colleges across Scotland. 

Musselburgh Grammar School: Higher education transitions 2021