Modern Studies

Click on the 'View Career Options' link to see the wide range of career options for Modern Studies. 

Click on the 'SQA Subject Info' button to find out more about Modern Studies.

Watch the video to hear about why Modern Studies might be the subject choice for you.  


S1: Citizenship

Students participate in an integrated course covering Geography, History and Modern Studies 

S2: Humanities


S3: Modern Studies


S4: National 3/4 Modern Studies


S4/5: National 5 Modern Studies


Pupils will complete three main units: Democracy in Scotland, Crime and the Law and World Issues: Terrorism, in addition to a research unit.


1: Assignment (20%):  20 marks. Research carried out during class time and an hour write up in exam conditions in February. 

2: Exam (80%): 80 marks. 2 hours 20 minutes. Exam paper includes knowledge and understanding questions and source questions. 

Why choose National 5 Modern Studies?

This course will develop and deepen literacy and critical thinking skills as well as independence research. It has links with careers such as Law, Journalism, Policing, Government and Civil Service, Politics, Social Work, Teaching. 

S5/6: Higher Modern Studies


Pupils will complete three main units: Democracy in Scotland, Crime and the Law and World Issues: Terrorism, in addition to a research unit.


1: Assignment (27%):  30 marks. Candidates choose any modern studies topic or issue that refers to a contemporary political, social or international issue. Research carried out during class time and an hour write up in exam conditions in February. 

2: Exam (73%): 

Question paper 2: The skills of analysing, evaluating and synthesising evidence are assessed in question paper 2. 

Why choose National 5 Modern Studies?

This course will develop and deepen literacy and critical thinking skills as well as independence research. It has links with careers such as Law, Journalism, Policing, Government and Civil Service, Politics, Social Work, Teaching. 

S6: Advanced Higher
Modern Studies





Why choose Advanced Higher Modern Studies?

This course will develop and deepen literacy and critical thinking skills as well as independence research. It has links with careers such as Law, Journalism, Policing, Government and Civil Service, Politics, Social Work, Teaching.