Support for Learning

This curriculum rationale outlines the key principles and strategies derived from the document "Support for Learning: All our Children and All their Potential" and how they will be applied within Musselburgh Grammar School. The rationale focuses on creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment that recognises and nurtures the unique potential of every student.

Inclusive Education:

Musselburgh Grammar School is committed to providing equal access to education for all students. Our curriculum will reflect inclusive education policies, ensuring that every student, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, feels valued and supported. We aim to remove barriers to learning, promote diversity, and foster an inclusive school culture that celebrates the unique contributions of each student.

Early Intervention and Identification:

Early intervention is vital in addressing learning difficulties. Our curriculum will include early identification processes and intervention programmes to identify and support students who require additional assistance, for example within Literacy and Numeracy. We will collaborate with parents, support staff, and external specialists to provide timely and appropriate support to ensure students reach their full potential.

Individualised Education Plans:

At Musselburgh Grammar School, we recognise that each student has unique strengths, challenges, and learning styles. We will develop individualised education plans for applicable pupils, incorporating their specific needs and aspirations. Our teachers will work closely with pupils, parents, and support staff to tailor instructional strategies and resources, ensuring a personalised learning experience for those most in need.

Professional Development Opportunities:

Continuous professional development is essential for our teachers to effectively support diverse learners. Musselburgh Grammar School is committed to providing regular opportunities for professional growth. We will organise in-service and CAT training sessions focused on inclusive education, differentiated instruction, and best practices. We encourage our teachers to stay updated with the latest research and innovative strategies, enhancing their ability to meet the diverse needs of our students. Examples of this include Autism training and the implementation of the CIRCLE framework.

 Inclusive Classroom Practices:

Musselburgh Grammar School will promote inclusive classroom practices that accommodate the diverse needs of our students. Our teachers will implement differentiated instruction, varied assessment methods, and create a positive and inclusive classroom environment. We will celebrate and respect diversity, fostering a sense of belonging and active engagement among all students.


The curriculum rationale of Musselburgh Grammar School aligns with the principles and strategies outlined in the document "Support for Learning: All our Children and All their Potential." By implementing an inclusive and supportive curriculum, we aim to unlock the unique potential of every student, provide equal opportunities for all learners, and foster a positive and inclusive learning environment within our school community.