S6 Leaver to Modern Apprenticeship with the Scottish Government

Destination: This student started with the Scottish Government as a Modern Apprentice in Business and remains working for the Scottish Government.

Qualifications Achieved:


English Nat 5

Maths Nat 5

Design & Man Nat 5

Biology Nat 5


English  Higher

Geography Higher

Design & Man Higher

Mod Studies Higher

Reflection: This student was unsure of what he wanted to do. Although he had the grades to go to University he felt it was not for him.  He knew he wanted an apprenticeship, an opportunity to earn while you learn, but did not want to go down the construction route.  He learned the Scottish Government ran a Business Modern Apprenticeship with a very good starting salary. He found it difficult to begin with as most of his friends were starting University and he was going to work. Whilst at the Scottish Government he tried various departments, Social Security, Learning Development and Housing. Since starting the Scottish Government he has had 4 promotions and is now Head of Business Management and leads his own team, at the age of 22.