Urban Green Newcastle

We are an independent charity responsible for the management and upkeep of the city’s 33 parks and 61 allotments.

Our mission is to breathe life into Newcastle’s parks and allotments, to connect people to nature, and improve the health and wellbeing of all families and communities in Newcastle by providing safe and well-maintained green spaces.

Our charity has a broad range of roles. For our parks and allotment team, useful subjects include science (e.g. environmental), horticulture and conservation management.

Subjects for our other departments like Operations and Enterprise include marketing, finance and business.

Our top tips:

  • Volunteering roles are great for gaining experience

  • Be active in local groups/campaigns whether it is a society or online action group

  • Take on constructive criticism in your role and allow yourself to grow from it

Urban Green recommends you to-

Plant pollinator-friendly plants in your garden/allotment.

Reduce your single-use plastic usage.

Spread awareness online through social channels