The Deli Film Co

The Deli Film Co. is a video production agency based in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the North East of the UK. With a collective 30 years experience in the film and video production industry, our team are experts when it comes to telling stories through great video content.

Most useful subjects to study for this industry:

  • Film

  • Media

  • Art

  • English

Three useful skills to have:

  • Independent thinking

  • Good organisational skills

  • Determination to work hard in quite a crowded field.

Our top tips:

  • Try and work on as many independent film projects as possible in your spare time, be that filming and editing videos on your phone or taking work experience on local film projects.

  • Before going on to higher education there's many learning resources for film production; many of the best Directors and DoPs share their wealth of knowledge on sites such as Youtube and it's a great, free way to pick up tips.

  • Most film projects will be happy to take on crew for work experience so don't be scared to reach out to companies.

The Deli Film Co recommends you to-

Using reusable bottles on set is a quick and easy way to save on using excess plastic.

Sharing transport to set is a good way to reduce transport emissions.

Recycling any batteries we've used on set