Go Green!

What are Green Jobs?

"Green jobs are jobs that have a direct, positive impact on the planet and that will form part of the low carbon economy of the future..... roles in renewable energy, manufacturing electric vehicles and other low carbon technology, but also .....jobs in horticulture, environmental management and home energy retrofit."  


Green Careers week 

Green  Careers Week raises aspirations, supports diversity, challenges stereotypes, and promotes real opportunities for young people to have a career that will genuinely make a difference. 

Discover jobs and pathways that are green careers and develop green skills. 

6-10 November 2023


Dame Allan's  Eco-Friendly  Eco-Futures!

How are we contributing to a greener future?

Dame Allan's Sustainable Futures Fair 2022

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Go Green Futures Fair 2022 

In a climate change emergency, it was crucial that we had a sustainable Futures Fair with Go Green theme. Companies and HE Institutions shared their own eco friendly values, aims and tips with students - all found under the Higher Education and World of Work Zones the Futures Fair websiteWe are grateful to them all for educating us all about eco-friendly futures. 

North east companies are working hard to ensure there is so much eco friendly education and employment contributing to saving our planet. We were delighted that companies like Northumberland Wildlife Trust, Urban Green Newcastle, Driving the Electric Revolution, Turntide, Equinor, Dogger Bank, North east LEP Energy Sector to name a few could join us to fly the green flag. 

How was this as a green event?

Careers Events and Provision

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Find Your Future Form Time 

A mini careers curriculum tailored to Year 7-9 and Years 10-13 is themed around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Dame Allan's sign in)

Our Futures Fairs include sustainability and eco-friendly messages -

In National Careers Week 2020 the Eco Fair helped to develop students' awareness of  sustainability and the environment. 

The organisations that joined us were-

Principal's blog about Dame Allan's focus on Sustainability- Small Steps-Big Changes 2020.

Eco Panel and whole school initiatives

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Our Eco Panel and Forest Schools

Juniors-   Classes held in the School’s outdoor classroom - “Woodland Way”- and in the recently installed yurt encourage children to explore and be adventurous. Both facilities are central to the School’s exciting Skogsmulle programme, a Swedish educational initiative which centres around a fantasy figure who informs children about nature through play and song. (Chronicle)

North End Development - our current Senior School site new build 2022 includes-  

The environmental elements of the project will include a large living wall on the North side of the school, with electric charging points for vehicles. (Northern Echo  Chronicle).

We encourage students and staff to cycle, take public transport and car share

Dame Allan's Sustainable Catering           

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Warrens food waste currently collects all our waste food products which are then processed by an Anaerobic digestion; a natural process that uses micro - organisms to break down organic matter to produce valuable renewable resources such as bio-fertiilizer and power.

Clarks Oils collect our waste oil from our schools and recycles it in a variety of formats including in animal feeds.


Particularly good potatoes supply our chips are from Wooler where the potatoes are grown, harvested and “chipped” all in the same site - a local farm employing local people. 46 miles from field to door

Grants Butchers, just outside of Wylam, Northumberland supplies our burgers. 10 miles from farm to door.

Local artisan bakery supplies our bread, baked daily and some of our pies. Simon at the bakery has always prided himself on using locally milled flours and ingredients - family bakery run for over 40 year, started in Whickham and now based in the Team Valley.  12miles from oven to door

Collingwoods Seafoods supply Dame Allan's with all fresh fish products "Situated in a prime location on North Shields fish quay we are only thirty seconds walk to where the boats land their catches – ensuring we have nothing but the best quality local fish available." We can trace every piece of local fish we buy – back to the boat, the skipper, area of catch and when it was caught!

10 miles from fishquay to our door

The majority of our other meats come from a catering butcher just off the A69 who uses carefully selected locally sourced farms.

Fresh fruit and vegetables come from the market based in the Team Valley and are delivered to us each morning.

Summary with links to suppliers-

Clark’s Oils collect our waste oil and recycle it for animal feed and other products.

Supporting the planet and  you as you grow 

Planting 1 tree for every Morrisby Profile

Dame Allan's planted 160 trees this year!

Find out about Morrisby's pledge- Planting Trees - to plant a tree for every student who joins Morrisby. See how many trees Morrisby has planted so far here. Together we are doing our part.

What will your Climate Action Pledge be?

Add your Eco Pledges here - My Eco Pledges    

Find some useful tips and advice - www.my.northtyneside.gov.uk/actiononclimatechange   

The Energy Saving Trust advice -  www.simpleenergyadvice.org.uk 

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• How many times do you jump in the car for journeys that would take you only a few minutes to walk? Leave the car at home when you can. 

• Check the timetable for your nearest bus stop or Metro station and see where you could use public transport at www.nexus.org.uk 

• Don't forget your reusable bottle and fill it up before you leave the house. 

• Remember your reusable shopping bags, keep one in your bag or in the car so you always have one handy. 

• Think about where you shop and how much packaging there is on what you buy. Is there an alternative with less packaging? Or no packaging at all? Buying fresh produce loose rather than pre- packed is often cheaper. 

• When you go for your daily takeaway cuppa, take a reusable mug with you. Many cafés accept them and some offer a discount on the price of your drink. 

• Take a picnic for your day out - or try and buy food in recycled or reusable packages. 

• If you have litter for the bin, look out for the recycling bins all along the coast and in our towns and shopping areas. 


Switching to LED light bulbs could save you £35 per year and switching off lights in rooms you aren’t in could save £11 per year. 

• Turning your thermostat down by 1°C could save you up to £55 per year, but do maintain a minimum temperature of 18°C. 

• If you aren’t using it, turn it off properly. Avoid standby mode and you could save £35 per year. 

• Only run appliances like your washing machine and dishwasher with full loads. 

• Check the temperature your washing machine and dishwasher are running at. Modern detergents are designed for use at lower temperatures and most of the running costs are from heating the water. Use the Eco cycles if your machine has one. 

• Avoid tumble dryer costs by drying washing outdoors whenever you can. If you need to dry indoors on a clothes horse, open the window to reduce condensation. 

• Using a radiator panel to reflect heat trapped behind your radiators could save around £10 per year. 

• Radiators not heating up properly, or with cold patches at the bottom, may need ‘bleeding’. This is relatively simple and there are how-to guides online. 

• Arrange furniture away from vents and radiators to allow warm air to circulate freely around your home. 

• Stop draughts by making a draught excluder from an old pair of tights filled with uncooked rice, knotted at each end. 

• If you have a hot water tank, lower the temperature to 60°C; this will save on heating costs whilst remaining hot enough to kill harmful bacteria.

Fitting a water-efficient shower head could save you £30 per year. Claim your free Water Saving Kit from www.nwl.co.uk 

• A running tap wastes over six litres of water per minute. Turn it off when brushing your teeth or shaving. 

• When you’re making a cuppa, only boil the amount of water you need. 

• The average UK family wastes enough food for eight meals every single week. Get simple recipes to use up leftovers at www.lovefoodhatewaste.com 

• Cutting food into smaller pieces and covering your pans with lids will help your food cook quicker. 

• When re-heating food, a microwave uses less energy than the oven. 

• Fridges run more efficiently when set at the correct temperature of between 2°C and 3°C. 

• Doing your dishes in a bowl/sink of water, rather than under a running tap, could save you £30 per year. 

Financial savings figures from The Energy Saving Trust. Find more advice at www.simpleenergyadvice.org.uk or call 0800 444 202.

"a growth mindset is the belief that our capabilities such as skills, talents and intellectual ability can be developed over time, whereas a fixed mindset comes from the perspective that intelligence and ability are innate..."

Read the full article here

Developing a Growth Mindset - 5 TED Talks to change your learning and life

Growth Mindset - Carol Dweck - The Power of Believing you can Improve

Are you ready to grow your mind with eco-future possibilities?

Look after our planet with an Environmental Degree / Apprenticeship- 

You will gain an understanding of the way that humans and the environment act upon one another.

The Society for the Environment champion all routes into the environmental sector that equip aspiring professionals with the necessary knowledge and experience to begin a successful and rewarding career in their desired discipline, including apprenticeships.

Green Careers

What are Green Jobs?

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Jobs in those “areas of the economy engaged in producing goods & services for environmental protection purposes, and those engaged in conserving & maintaining natural resources”.

 (Environmental Goods and Services Sector, UN System of Environmental Economic Accounting.)

“Employment in an activity that directly contributes to - or indirectly supports - the achievement of the UK's net zero emissions target and other environmental goals, such as nature restoration and mitigation against climate risks.” 

(Green Jobs Taskforce, convened by the Departments for Education and Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.)

 “Decent jobs that contribute to preserve or restore the environment, be they in traditional sectors such as manufacturing and construction, or in new, emerging green sectors such as renewable energy and energy efficiency.” 

(International Labour Organisation.)


A sustainable careers webinar for secondary schools.

Whether you see yourself pursuing a career in law, finance, construction, transport or academia, or pioneering new ways of working as an entrepreneur, this workshop will show you how you can build skills and find opportunities to drive – and thrive in – a sustainable future.


A Green Future Preserving the Environment

This article highlights the UK government target to create half a million green jobs by 2030, contributing to restoring or preserving the environment. With growing interest in green and sustainable work (with nearly 20,000 UK searches a month on Google) the article shared five suggested top green jobs, including Energy Analyst & Electrical Engineer.

The aim will be to focus on the immediate and longer-term challenges of delivering skilled workers for the UK’s transition to net zero including:

NEECO - North East Climate coalition are cross-organisational and are very active regionally 

"We are a cross-sector initiative bringing the region together to tackle climate emergency, reverse ecological collapse and deliver an urgent and just transition.

Our vision is to become England’s greenest region".

ICS Green Plan and green ambitions

 "The North East is the first region in the country to have a faculty dedicated to environmental sustainability in healthcare. The Faculty of Sustainable Healthcare, which is run by Health Education England North East (HEE NE), aims to increase awareness of sustainability and embedding good practice across the local area, helping organisations achieve climate impact reduction targets". northeastnorthcumbria.nhs.uk

Within the broader Energy sector there are 3 key growing subsectors:

Each presents opportunity to drive economic growth and deliver more and better jobs

Be part of planet-positive experiences

Thred.com is leading youth culture and powered by social change. Daily articles, interviews and videos are produced by a team of global Gen Z journalists. Be inspired by young change-makers, advice from a Career Coach, and stories on news and movements making waves, saving the planet all across the world. 

Find out more at Thred.com and follow them on Insta and TikTok!

The government's Green Jobs Taskforce final report shows the role of employment in the UK's transition to net zero territorial greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It also shows the role of employment in meeting other environmental goals, such as protecting and restoring nature. The report states that "Every job has the potential to become 'green' as the world moves to combat climate change".

Green Jobs - Office of National Statistics

DA Sustainable Design Competition PDF _compressed.pdf

Grow your Minds with Competitions! 

2022-3 Launch by

Ella Hughes (Allanian)

Competition to Design an Eco Pavilion

Entry Form

Juniors- Design an Eco Classroom 

Deadline for both is 7 November 2022

Grow Throughout Life