Dame Allan's Schools

Spread your wings and follow your dreams! 

from "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse" by Charlie Mackesy

Futures Fair 2024

The HE/FE Institutions, Apprenticeship providers and Employers attending this year's event can be found below. 

Go Green in 2022! 

Grow your Mind ~ Grow your Future

Be patient - learning takes time 

Every moment and mistake is learning in progress

Developing a Growth Mindset - 5 TED Talks to change and take charge of your learning and life

Grow Through Life

Plant the Seeds

 Seeds you plant now will be harvested later.  Nurture them with questions and research


Challenges and opportunities help you to grow



You can learn anything  and be anyone with  practice, hard work and effort

We are delighted to share our Futures Fair website

We hope that you learn a lot to help your careers journey runs smoothly.

Higher Education  Zone - see who is attending Live! at Dame Allan's 6 October 2022

World of Work Zone - see who is attending Live! at Dame Allan's 6 October 2022

Grow Your Mind Presentations  

6 October 4-7pm

Click the drop down arrow

From Dame Allan's to General Practice  - Georgina Cassie General Practitioner (Allanian, former student)

A Career in Medicine  - past present and future   Dr Gray, Independent Consultant in Public Health Medicine (Allanian)

How to get into Tech and Thrive! - Andrew Bolland (Allanian) 

A Future in Law - Jenny Wilkes, (Allanian), Solicitor, Womble Bond Dickinson

Interior Design Architecture and Competition launch - Ella Hughes (Allanian)

A Future in Film - Krishna Muthurangu, Deli Film Co (Allanian)

Help to Save the Planet by becoming an Engineer! - Professor Matt Boyle

How can I build a great career in chemistry? Andrew Graydon, P&G

Admissions to Medicine and Dentistry - Newcastle University

Personal Statements - What Admissions Tutors are looking for - Lancaster University

Introduction to Forensic Psychology - Sunderland University

Finding your Space Career - Space Careers UK

Applying for Oxbridge - Ms Medway

Studying and working in Arts and Culture - Newcastle University

Routes into Languages - Newcastle University

Working Abroad - Removing the Barriers - Blue Stamp Travel

Working with the Force Specialist Cyber Investigation Team - Northumbria Police

Sports Courses and Careers - Northumbria University

Applying to Clinical Courses - Vet, Med and Dentistry Admissions - Liverpool University

Scottish University Flexible Degrees - Glasgow University

Degrees to prepare you for the world of work - Northumbria University

Choosing a course and university - Dundee University

Quality Careers Guidance gives you the chance to discover your strengths and explore the many opportunities and directions out there! 

You can do anything. You are in control of the directions you take in your life.

Go Green Tree and Leaf digital artwork by Year 11 Dame Allan's student and Careers Ambassador - thank you, Erin!

Access to a Futures Fair website over a longer period than a one day live event, means that you will be able to research your dreams and aspirations independently in form time, class and in your own time at home.  

Research and events will generate good conversations between students & universities/companies from around the country who are very keen for north east talent to join them.  

Follow us on @CareersatDAS

Careers Team, Dame Allans' Schools

Mrs Whitehouse

Head of Careers

Mrs Rodrigues

Sixth Form and Careers Administrator

Feedback -

"Amazing......you have such a cool website and there is everything the students need. 

I like the fact that there’s so much choice too, it’s not the same old standard links for students to go into but there are different and exciting things too."

Mark Fox | Careers Hub Facilitator |  North East Local Enterprise Partnership