InvestIN Education are running online career experience programmes for students throughout the Spring and Summer Terms. Programmes are available in 20 different industries, from Medicine, Law and Engineering to Psychology, Journalism and Architecture. Programmes take place on weekends, led by leading professionals offering unique industry insights in your dream career.

All Programmes- students (See My Great Future for 10% off DAS code)

Parent Events

10 Minute Introduction to InvestIN's career programmes, downloadable here

The Ultimate Work Experience

Live Online Programmes Trailer

InvestIn Summer Internships

Insight into summer programmes 2021

3 Top Tips for Employability and CV's

  • Understand the value of your extracurriculars at school.

  • Reflect on your experiences and ask yourself: "what employable skills do these demonstrate?"

  • Be honest and true to yourself. Do not believe that you don't have the skills to pursue your dream career - if you have identified gaps, go out there and plug them!