Parent/Carer Hub

Working together - helping your children to make the right choices

Parent's Guide supporting your children through choices and employability skills

Employer Guide -


how you can link

learning to life - curriculum to career

The Parent Perspective is an exciting new 8-part podcast series for parents and carers, helping them to support their children with careers advice and guidance.

This podcast will provide a space for listeners to:

  • Explore which careers are available today

  • Showcase the experiences of interesting and diverse role models

  • Provide real-time insights into how the world of work is changing

Skills Surgery- Applications for Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary

Power of Networking- Helping your child to network

Paths to Careers – a Parent’s Guide is designed for parents and guardians of 15- to 18-year-old school and college students, this guide offers advice on supporting young people with their career choices, on making decisions about university, and on employer programmes such as higher apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships.

The School Leaver 200 ranks the top 200 employers in the UK as voted for by school leavers. It offers advice and information on the vast range of employer programmes available such as higher apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships, as well as advice for those going to university full time.

Success at School Parent & Carer eBook

Sign Up HERE

A great resource to bring careers learning to families home-schooling during lockdown. It contains case studies, articles on university, mental health, encourages young women into engineering and celebrates the importance of a diverse workplace.

Amazing Apprenticeships

February Parents’ and Carers’ Pack looks at NAW2021 highlights, apprenticeship entry requirements, apprentice and employer perspective articles, apprenticeships in the Care sector, T Level and Traineeship info, apprenticeships you may not know about and much more!

For more apprenticeship information and advice for parents,

visit our parents page for back issues.