Go Green!


- eco friendly

How is Morrisby greener and looking after the environment?-

We plant a tree for every profile completed, we have a paperless office and recycle- more information here.

3 ways Morrisby suggests students can look after the environment-

  • walk to school

  • recycle

  • stay paperless (don't print your profile, save it online!)

Morrisby - About Me

Dame Allan's students currently enjoy Morrisby Year 10-13 and have log in for life

Read here how “Morrisby Profile is the perfect tool for careers consultations between adviser and student.”


Morrisby Careers provides all the research tools needed to help students discover the world of work and pathways forward. These include subjects of further study, detailed career information (including LMI) and a comprehensive directory of higher courses, institutions and apprenticeships.


Morrisby Tracker allows schools, colleges and students to record careers activities, providing excellent evidence of wider provision to meet Gatsby Benchmarks. Students can build a careers passport, a digital “record of achievement” to show their development of employability skills.


Morrisby Profile uncovers how individuals think and what they enjoy. When a student doesn’t know which subjects to pick or which careers to pursue, Morrisby’s suggestions will give ideas, showing how well individuals match dependent on strengths, interests, motivations and ambitions.


Morrisby Higher supports the journey to higher education, through university or an apprenticeship. We offer support with UCAS applications and interviews so that individuals feel thoroughly prepared for the next step in their careers journey.