The Royal Air Force is a world-class organisation and we need talented and dynamic students to join and lead or multi-skilled teams. Roles are available in a wide variety jobs from Nursing to Engineering to Logistics, not forgetting Pilots who fly the latest and fastest cutting edge technology. The training package is first-rate and it is backed by major lifestyle benefits and extensive travel and sports opportunities.

Go Green!

RAF is going green in the hope of helping save the planet, with trainee pilots set to spend just 20 percent of their practice sessions in real fighter jets. To help reach green goals, the next generation training aircraft must be more environmentally friendly, utilising a sustainable fuel source such as electric or hydrogen which will produce zero carbon emissions at the point of use.

Three ways for you to Go Green!

  • Don't waste food - learn how to plan your food consumption - too much is thrown out.

  • Drive sensibly more speed equals less efficiency equals damage to your pocket and environment.

  • Recycle don't throw away

RAF Resources Link

Click on each of the images below for more information-

RAF Information Sheet 2 (1).pdf

One-to-One Careers Chats

We are mindful that students are missing out on our careers advisors being in their school and colleges or just not having the opportunity to drop into their local careers office to discuss their aspirations. One-to-one Skype sessions with students are available - speak to your Head of Careers/Careers Leader in school.

Squadron Leader Tait will visit Dame Allan's Schools on Tuesday 28 September for chats with students over lunch time and then a presentation after school with the CCF students. We thank Sqdn Leader Tait for all the amazing support and advice over the years and wish Jim well as he retires.

3 Top Tips for Students

  • Look for opportunities to shine outside the classroom, always expand your horizons

  • Your future career may not be something you know about yet

  • There is no such thing as a stupid question - ask!