Smile for Life

Smile for Life are a North East charity running Café Beam providing work placements to youngsters with a work placement where they learn skills and develop confidence to assist them into the world of paid employment. The young people are supported by volunteers, some of which have been Dame Allan's students.

Our top tips would be:

  • Getting good grades making yourself employable

  • Don't underestimate the value of work experience through volunteering

  • Build up connections and networks.

Go Green!

How are Smile for Life helping with their Go Green message?

Recycling, encourage young people and volunteers to save energy where possible (turn off lights, use dishwasher when only have a full load etc), use of reusable cups and takeaway boxes.

Three ways Smile for Life think you can help:

  • Save energy where possible

  • Switch off lights and items not in use

  • Recycling is key - use less plastic.