Love Music, Dance, Musical Theatre, Performing Arts?

We are London's Creative Conservatoire. We offer undergraduate programmes in classical, popular, and jazz performance, composition, contemporary dance, dance science and musical theatre. We train performing artists and nurture their unique styles, talents and interests.

At Trinity Laban, we are continually exploring ways to improve our environmental impact and work sustainably across all departments.

We have a dedicated Sustainability Group, chaired by the Director of Finance and Estates, which engages staff and students from across Trinity Laban on issues of sustainability and environmental impact.

The group develops and implements our Sustainability Strategy and our emerging plan for Trinity Laban to transition to carbon net zero.

We suggest how you can go green!

Reduce single use plastics

Eat a largely plant based diet

Trinity Laban Resources-

Skills you need-

Artistic curiosity, passion, collaborative skills