
Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life!


Choices at 14, 16 and 18

Quality Careers Educatio is the key to self understanding and exploring your aspirations and dreams

Where will your favourite subjects take you? 

Self Elevate

New website!

Key pages useful for students: 

Post-16 Options - specific guidance page for current GCSE students.

Post-18 Options - guidance for further study - level 3 students.

University Considerations - advice for choosing the right university.

Career Zone - provides career and job role overviews, and career quizzes.

Panjango Choices is about aspirations and future life choices. It's career exploration with a twist! 

The game poses a series of multiple choice questions to players who then have to think about which option the other players will choose. At the end of ten question rounds, the player who predicts the most answers wins the game!  Here's the Rules of the game and the  SCORECARD.

The game is  a great way for young people to get to know their friends on a deeper level, while reflecting on their own aspirations, interests, strengths and purpose - all while discussing future life choices.

Selection of Careers Ambassadors' Subject Choices

I chose History, Psychology and Philosophy

Philosophy was my favourite lesson on the taster day, and it linked to RS which I really enjoyed at GCSE. I chose History because I enjoyed it at GCSE and when it got to the end of the year I decided that I couldn't drop it. I would like to go to University but I haven't decided on where and which course to study.

I chose Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Further Maths

I would like to study physics at university and my top choice would be Oxford which recommends further maths as well as the usual Physics and Maths. Chemistry is a subject I enjoy and I feel it links well in some aspects to physics. 'd like to maintain high grades throughout the year and try to figure out a work life balance, I’d like to find the time to read more into my subject. I'd like to achieve top grades and go to Oxford or Manchester for physics, getting to know my subject better and continue to love it

I chose biology, chemistry and psychology.  

I'd like to go to medicine school and become a paediatrician and these A'levels seem the best choices.

I chose History, Politics and English Literature.

I always knew I wanted to study history at A-level. I had loved the subject at GCSE and knew at that point I wanted to study it to degree level. I chose English Literature as it is an essay subject so linked to my degree plans. I have always loved politics and the idea of studying it was exciting. What pushed me to choose it was that we would study American politics as I love the T.V. show the West Wing (if you are considering studying politics I recommend you watch it). I would definitely recommend A-level politics to everyone. I really want to study a degree in History and Politics and then follow a path into politics either in journalism or in the civil service as a diplomat. I know that the degree I have chosen has left many options for me. Who knows what careers will be possible when I start looking at the job market!

I chose Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Computer Science.

 I want to do a maths or maths and computer science degree and for both the only requirements are "Maths with Further Maths strongly recommended". I also enjoy maths and computer science a lot. My other decision was between physics and chemistry and I chose physics because I thought (and still think) that I would enjoy the subject more. My long term is probably to become a programmer

Mind Palace- Choose To Learn More!

Oxplore - Big Questions

HE+ - What do you want to discover today?

TEDEd- Learn more!

Futurelearn-Exciting courses online

Stand on the Shoulders of Giants- research your favourite subjects and topics with Google Scholar

Digital Skills Build IBM Re-Ignite

Newcastle University Virtual Lectures

Strive (Dame Allan's Sign in)


Can you bridge the gap between your subjects, skills and and a great job ? 

Choose the subjects you love, be curious and ask questions. Explore many career paths.

Dreams and Inspiration

I Have a Dream workbook

Finding a Course with What Uni?

BBC Bitesize Careers

Wheel of Strengths  age 14+ can register with Barclays Lifeskills

Explore Subjects & Careers - Apps


Supporting students as they make decisions about their future and transition from education into work. A new free mobile-app provides tailored careers advice, a digital C.V. builder, self-discovery tools (e.g. personality quizzes and strengths profiles) and access to relevant work opportunities all in one place. 

Qdos Careers App

New free careers information resource for young people. Apple App Store link from your iPhone or iPad. The Qdos Careers App is now live on Google Store too, for Android devices, using this link.

Workfinder App

A unique remote work experience app allows young people to get a head start in the world of work by taking on projects for some of the most exciting start ups and scale ups in the UK 

Action for Happiness 

Free app which beeps positive messages at you twice a day 

Choose to be prepared!

Behind the scenes of our Virtual Futures Fair website

- 50 form class  goody bags 

What will you choose?

Check this link out- 

Explore your Subjects