Go Green!

NCS/NUFC- eco friendly

How is Newcastle United foundation (NUF) becoming greener and looking after the environment?

  • Partnered with Smart Carbon to track energy outputs across programmes, operations, travel and facilities

  • Utilisation of a geographical strategy to map staff with schools / sessions /activities to reduce mileage and travel time

  • Working from home strategy implemented to to efficiently operate from home and office to reduce travel emissions

  • Operating out of our new state of the art building which we call NUCASTLE

  • Monitoring coach, rail, car, flight travel

  • Battery bank

  • Utilisation of our NUCASTLE Facilities and being green on programme

3 ways NCS/NUFC suggests students can look after the environment-

  • be litter conscious

  • be aware of energy wastage

  • buy greener products

Newcastle United Foundation is a charity that uses the power of football and the passion people have for Newcastle United to engage all corners of the local community. Part of their engagement involves delivering the NCS programme to 16-17 year olds. NCS builds confidence and experience by taking participants out their comfort zones in a range of challenging settings and provides them with skills to be used in work, university and life.

The exposure to these opportunities will provide outcomes and a skill set that can be used later in life, such as starting a job, apprenticeship, university course and/or college.

Website link: https://www.nufoundation.org.uk/