The life changing University of Sunderland has 20,000 students based in campuses on the North East coast, in London and Hong Kong and at its global partnerships with learning institutions in 15 countries.

We are proud of our long-established commitment to widening participation, our world-leading research, public and private sector collaborations and our track-record for providing quality student experiences that result in graduates who are the tomorrow-makers of our societies and economies.

Sunderland's eco friendly action / aims

25 Year Environmental Plan – Goals

  • Clean air

  • Clean and plentiful water

  • Thriving plants and wildlife

  • A reduced risk of harm from environmental hazards such as flooding and drought

  • Using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently

  • Enhanced beauty, heritage and engagement within the natural environment

In addition, we will manage pressures on the environment by:

  • Mitigating and adapting to climate change

  • Minimising waste

  • Managing exposure to chemicals

  • Enhancing biosecurity

How you can be more eco friendly

Recycle all recyclable products

Visit and support local green spaces and the coast

Limit use of car travel and support public transport

What can you do? YoGA

Make your own pledge. Ideas include:

  • Walking to work/between campuses

  • Walk more and drive less

  • Switch to a 100% renewable green energy supplier

  • Grow fruit and vegetables

  • Use non-peat compost for planting

  • Pick up any litter when out walking in the countryside or at the beach

  • Try to buy goods that are not wrapped in plastic

  • Take part in volunteering opportunities

For more information, see the Year of Green Action website.


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