
Northumbria University is based in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, which is regularly voted the best place in the UK for students who are attracted by our excellent academic reputation, our top 10 graduate employment record and our outstanding campus and sports facilities.

Northumbria University Eco Friendly Action/Aims-

Northumbria University Environmental Sustainability

We are a Hedgehog friendly campus.

We have Sustainability groups in every department to discuss how we can be more eco conscious at work.

We have reduced the size of our prospectus to our new mini guide size in order to reduce the quantity of paper needed.

We suggest how you can be eco friendly too -

Walking to school rather than being dropped off is a fantastic way to reduce emissions.

If you can, plant some wildflowers in your garden to attract bees.

Instead of buying plastic bottles to take to school look into buying a reusable bottle that you can refill at school.

Northumbria is a research-rich, business-focused, professional university with a global reputation for academic excellence. It is based in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, which is regularly voted the best place in the UK for students. The university was ranked in the UK top 30 universities and 1st for value added (The Guardian University Guide 2021).

Top Tips for Students

  • Write yourself a to-do list as this will allow you to prioritise which work to do first and will help you be more organised.

  • Make sure you have a work/life balance, set yourself targets for the day and once you've completed them plan something fun to do.

  • Before revising buy an egg timer. This will help you revise using the Pomodoro Technique, where you revise for 25 minutes and then have a short beak in a block of four and then have a longer break. This will help you keep motivated.

  • When thinking which University to pick it's important to think about what is most important to you. Is it the facilities (Sport or Subject), the type of university (City or Campus) or/and the location of the University?

  • When choosing your course it's important to look at the University websites to see what modules you will be taught and whether it's something you're really interested in.

  • Make the most out of every experience and look for extra activities to get involved with at your University, whether it's a society, a sport, work experience, a placement or a study abroad year (where applicable).

Useful websites/links

To sign up to our mailing list – visit

You will receive event invitations and application guidance. Additionally, you can select a subject of interest so you receive more tailored information, such as event information for that particular academic area.

Email if you have any questions.

Follow us on Twitter - @NorthumbriaUni

I’m pleased to inform you that applications for our NU Entry, Destination Northumbria and Access NU supported entry schemes are now open. All programmes aim to support students through their transition to Northumbria University with a series of online and in person activities. Students who successfully complete the scheme will be awarded with supported entry points which are equivalent to UCAS points when applying to Northumbria University. More information on each scheme along with the eligibility criteria and application form can be found by visiting –

Sixth Form Evening Lectures - do you love STEM and Physics?

The lectures ran every other Thursday evening from October to December and you can watch them on demand by visiting the link below.

The lectures run every other Thursday evening from October to December each year