Keeping your wheels on the road

Friday, September 13, 2019

About the Presentation

Okay – so your car is old and not very expensive. That doesn’t mean that you can afford to be without it. So how do you avoid the squeaks, squeals, rattles and check engine lights?

Preventative maintenance is key to keeping your buggy running, and it’s something you can do yourself without lots of equipment, training, or experience. We’ll talk about oil changes, fluids, wipers, filters, tires, and show you how to do it on a real vehicle! You’ll walk away feeling like you finally know what you’re doing. Join us as we explore the simple things you can do to maintain your automobile in good health!

About the Presenter

Gary Weaver is an ASE Certified Master Automotive Instructor at the College of Western Idaho with 20 years of experience teaching car stuff to young people by day, and 30 years of experience telling jokes about young people by night, for Gary is also a professional Stand-up Comedian. Gary’s sense of humor lends itself well to interacting in the classroom and keeping his pupils engaged, all the while giving Gary great material for making people laugh at night. It’s two careers that seem to compliment well.

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